Our teams are labeled in the following order:
Platinum - highest level team in age group
Gold - second highest level team in age group
Silver - third highest level team in age group
Any costs that end up being different from the following https://www.northunited.org/details-and-pricing/ are because of additional scrimmages, additional winter leagues, added practice time outside of two provided per week or no more than $200/player in coaching fees if a coach needs to be found for the team.
*Team Plans updated until age group tryout date has been completed

9U-12U Platinum and Gold
Fall: Game trumps practice (either sport). If practices line up directly split evenly.
Winter: If your winter sport has a game or practice that conflicts with your soccer practice/game time, the winter sport takes precedence.
Spring/Summer: Soccer practices and games come before the other sport. Soccer should be the main priority. If conflict does arise talk with coach.
13U+ Platinum and Gold
Fall: Soccer practices/games come before the other sport. It needs to be the priority.
If a consistent conflict does arise talk with coaches.
Winter: We understand players will participate in other sports. Players and families are asked to make an effort to attend at much as possible.
If consistent conflicts arise please reach out and we will find alternative training times.
Spring/Summer: Soccer practices/games come before the other sport. It needs to be the priority.
If a consistent conflict does arise talk with coaches.
We aim to have 2+ teams at every age group to offer the correct competitive environment for each player.
Our club plus team costs are the realistic costs of soccer and include all fall, winter, summer fees, 3 to 4 tournaments and coach fees. Visit the picture link for more details.
Players can be moved to multiple teams throughout the year based on what is best for their development in that moment to provide opportunities to grow and love the game.
Final team tournament plans are determined by the coach/team after team formation.